---------Welcome, -----
Never an expression of something is able to render anything else than a tiny little part of the whole.
Thus each entry on this blog points to another element still missing as all is interconnected. This is as well awesome as it is frustrating.
Sometimes, we discover the similarity of our own experiences with those of others. We may realize that they all come from the same source. Hearing about others' experiences, we may discover some of their common universal source.
* * * * * M U S I C * * * * *
~~ All songs
of respective songtexts
here on the blog
may be played on the blog-player below ~~- The player contains the songs of all respective song-texts on this blog.
Click on big > button then on the song you want to be played. Little > (play), < (rewind) and > (forward) buttons are on the player on top left right below the music notes.