Dr. David R. Hawkins: "Power vs Force"
by: C.N., October 2007
Power versus Force is about modern research into consciousness. It builds upon scientific muscle testing such as you may have experienced with practitioners of any of a variety of holistic medicines. In repeatable and double blind studies, it establishes a scale of consciousness. This (non-linear) scale extends from 0 to 1000. Here is a sample of the levels and their associated measures:
Power versus Force is about modern research into consciousness. It builds upon scientific muscle testing such as you may have experienced with practitioners of any of a variety of holistic medicines. In repeatable and double blind studies, it establishes a scale of consciousness. This (non-linear) scale extends from 0 to 1000. Here is a sample of the levels and their associated measures:
20 Shame:
This is close to death. It corresponds with the emotion of humiliation. It can arise form childhood abuse such as sexual molestation.
30 Guilt:
This corresponds with the emotion of blame and associates with a process of destruction. At this level, people are victims. This is merely a function of low consciousness. At this level, one does not see sufficiently to be in control. Cruelty is common.
50 Apathy:
50 Apathy:
This corresponds with abdication and despair. Poverty and hopelessness often accompany it. The apathetic are felt as "heavy" and are often a burden on those around them.
75 Grief:
Regret, despondency are found here
100 Fear, anxiety and withdrawal.
125 Desire:
100 Fear, anxiety and withdrawal.
125 Desire:
This is where Buddha thought all suffering began. It corresponds with cravings and with the enslavement that results.
150 Anger:
150 Anger:
Hate and aggression are found here, but anger can also be good when it is not violent and makes one take a "I'm not taking it anymore" attitude. Interestingly, it may be the best way up from shame and guilt (and this insight helps us understand the value of a scale like this!)
175 Pride:
175 Pride:
Usually considered a positive thing, it is still below the dividing line (more about this later) of 200, which separates the generally negative from the generally positive. Pride runs the US Marines very well. But the downside of price is the potential for the fall. Pride must therefore be defensive and is always vulnerable. Pride can also scorn.
200 Courage:
All before this level concerns primarily the self. Here begins selflessness. One must have courage to gain entrance to the higher states of consciousness. Courage begins empowerment. Here we begin to understand the book's title: force is what emanates from lower energy states, but from courage up there exists real power. Power puts more into the world than it takes out, unlike force which sucks (in a literal sense.)
250 Neutrality:
250 Neutrality:
This corresponds with trust and a certain kind of release. We see a radically different way of perceiving the world evolving here.
310 Willingness:
310 Willingness:
Here we find commitment to live life as it comes at us. Willingness brings optimism.
350 Acceptance:
Here a major transformation occurs. We are forgiving and find ourselves the source and creator of our life experience. Our energy is sufficiently positive that healing may occur.
400 Reason:
400 Reason:
Picture Einstien. Non-surface Understanding and abstraction come here. But all is not rosy. This level contains a deadly trap. In our success, we may analyse the parts but forget the whole. Beware forgetting the heart.
500 Love:
500 Love:
Both reverence and revelation come here. This is not low level love that is really need and masks anger, should our need go unmet (a 150-level state.) Rather, this is the level of discernment of the essence of things. We have the beginning of intuition transcending reason. 540 Joy:
Serenity and completeness are here. One runs the risk of becoming a hermit.
This is the level of saints and great teachers. At this level there is always some constructive work which benefits the whole of mankind. It may be done anonymously.
Power, as Hawkins explains it, is a fractal factor of creation. Specifically, it is an effect of a strong attractor.
The book then goes on to explain success, happiness, spiritual insight, health, and many more things as simple consequences of alignment with strong attractors while the opposites, failure, misery, spiritual blindness, disease and many more things as just as simple consequences of alignment with weak attractors (energy fields.)
Power, as Hawkins explains it, is a fractal factor of creation. Specifically, it is an effect of a strong attractor.
The book then goes on to explain success, happiness, spiritual insight, health, and many more things as simple consequences of alignment with strong attractors while the opposites, failure, misery, spiritual blindness, disease and many more things as just as simple consequences of alignment with weak attractors (energy fields.)
Alignment is a matter of attitude and of what is REALLY important to us.