"- Thank God, truth is not hard to find! It swirls around us and is in everything, there for us to connect with. Contradictions are illusions that result from flawed paradigms and from non-truths which we have grasped as true - usually because of some pressure to do so.
In this I am not contradicting the above, - I see what (truth) is said here. And this is one of the most beautiful truths - that the yardstick by which we recognize truth lies within us and is an integral part of us, guiding us. Truth is easy to find because we have only to allow this guide to direct our attention. This is true observation. Realization results. Anyone who looks for Truth and writes (about) truths, would be very displeased when his words are used to pressure others into accepting something which - though perhaps "true" - yet is not the complete truth which we are only capable of grasping through our own inquiry. To use words this way is to fail to understand the depth of real truths.
The truth is that truths do not express well in words - truth being the food on which our souls feast. Words are too thin and pasty to sustain our soul. Truths cannot be confined within the bounds of mere words. So my words (and everyone else's who is searching for Truth) merely contain hints of the truth. That is all that words can do. For myself, I find little difficulty discovering truths even among words designed to deceive (as for example in most political speech.) But my delight with truth is often so direct and great that I am not motivated to wonder at the moment of realization whether some speaker of words, himself understands the truths that I have just discovered.
What is the point?
Am I going to revere the messenger more than the message?
Or do I imagine that I have some divine mission to speak against lies when truth is so easy to find for those who will sincerely look for it?
-- Ah, there is a difficulty! For if I succeed, how will I fend off all those who will begin to look on me with the reverence more properly reserved for truth (and that within us that is the true revealer of truth.)
Let us then enjoy truth."
[C.N., December 2008]
"A strong one-sided truth, when set forth as the whole truth, creates a strong light but also a strong confusion; for the very strength of its element of truth increases the strength of its element of error."
[Sri Aurobindo]
posted: December 22, 2008
- to endure which is on the way
- to be able to (a)wait
- to be able to love.
it rejoices in the truth
bears all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail;
whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.
For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face.
Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
[the Bible, 1Corinthians - Chapter 13]
...the Perfect Father will be found in the Present rather than in memories or dreams... [C.N.]
As we look into the past, ‘time’ hides the details that can only be found in this moment. [N.G.]
"But do not forget this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." [the Bible, 2 Peter Chapter 3.8]
Knowledge, Uncertainty, Humility & Doubt
"There are two spiritual basis for belief systems. One is natural and grows out of who a person is -- from the inside. The other is unnatural and has been plastered over the original nature and held there through pressure. In the unnatural system, simple truths threaten to unstick what is held in by pressure. Truths, then, are an enemy.
As I see it, it is very black and white. There is reality, and everything else is dreamy to one degree or another. There is knowing within reality, and there is the unknown to us (because of our lack of intimacy with it or because it was only a dream.) It is important to understand precisely where the dividing line is.
Sometimes we may be tempted to "go beyond ourselves" to embrace what we don't really know. This may seem necessary because of some ambition that we have. But this moment of choice is our test of humility. Will we be content with the knowing that the Holy Spirit (that is, the inner teacher) has brought to us -- which is sufficient for us -- or will we judge God's sufficiency to be insufficient and cross that "line of humility" to embrace the unknown as if it were a known. This is the trying of our spirit -- a moment where we deepen our commitment to what is good and right or where we abandon it out of some negative emotion (like fear or greed, etc.)
Now nothing I've said above should be taken as a rejection of science. We may have "an inkling" that something works a particular way, and our inner inspiration makes us cognizant of the opportunity to test the idea in the arena of reality through some experiment. But embarking on such science does not have to be done by embracing the truth of the yet-unproved conclusion. I am patient, I wait for the clarity that can arise out of such experiments (which could also be called intimacy with reality.) I do not know until I know by the light of Truth shining from inside out onto the experience. The ring of truth seals it.
There is little room for (or use for) doubt in this way. There is knowing, then there is unknowing. Both are matters of certainty. I know that I know, and for the unknown, I know that I don't know. Doubt plays no role. This leaves no room for confusion.
Uncertainty, of course, is just unknowing -- but for most they will experience it with an added tension which comes from adding the judgment that "they ought to know" or "need to know" to the unknowing. The tension comes from the separation from God that is inherent in such judgment. There is a discipline of humility that eases this tension, reducing uncertainty to mere unknowing and repairing the "polarity" problem which moved one away from God, causing the unbearable tension often associated with uncertainty.
I think we learn by finding the line between knowing and unknowing, then yearning in the soul to understand. The yearning somehow speaks directly to God, who fills us. Words will not do the same thing.
So, you see, all the old truisms come together here.
- Seek and you will find
- You shall know (be intimate with) the Truth and the truth will set you free
- I will send the Holy Spirit to write the doctrine in your hearts
- Those who preserve their (selfish way of) life will lose it, but those who will give up their (selfish way of) life will find the life everlasting.
Add your own favorite to the list. The mark of the Creator is all around you. Love is the answer - but love that transmits, originating with God, through the clear lens of human, purified heart.
We must act on the truths that we see, not those that we don't see.
This is fundamental and paramount. We must also develop the humility of inaction in the face of our unknowing. Practicing this in everyday circumstances brings one to understand that both represent a commitment to the guiding inner spirit.
Neither of us has any superiority over any others on the journey. Indeed, the superiority we sometimes have over those not on the journey only happens because of how they themselves put themselves down. Human dignity of all and basic humility reign supreme. The only Superior is the Inner Spirit--sometimes called the Holy Spirit - which is our teacher."
[C.N., in June and August 2002]
October 12, 2008
Under Time and Conditions
He wills and His Will spontaneously produces its effect. But it produces it in time, space and causality. To demand a result now here and under given conditions is Ajnanam = ignorance by will to do it by oneself.
Care not about time, space or conditions; but will, and leave the result to God. Nothing but God exists.
Adopt the attitude I have described here and apply it to every individual act or attitude.
You have nothing else to do.
Be not troubled,
be not anxious,
be not in haste,
you have all eternity before you, ...................why be in haste?
Only do not be apathetic or dull, neither idly waste your time."
[adapted from: "automatic writings" in: "records of Yoga", Sri Aurobindo]
October 08, 2008
"Mon ami - mon maître" [Serge Lama]
De vous parler de mon ami.................to tell you about my friend
Dont l'accès vous est interdit..........where you have no access
Mais ce soir je sens sous ma plume....But this evening I sense beneath my feather
Un fourmillement familier..................a familiar prickling.
Quand le soleil du coeur s'allume.........When the heart's sun rises
L'éteindre serait un péché..................it would be a sin to switch it off
C'est mon ami et c'est mon maître.......This is my friend, this is my master
C'est mon maître et c'est mon ami.......This is my master and my friend
Dès que je l'ai vu apparaître...................as soon as I had heard his words
J'ai tout d'suit' su que c'était lui..........I knew it would be the one
Lui qui allait m'apprendre à être.............who would teach me to be
Ce que modestement je suis......................what I humbly am.
Et même s'il a de la peine.......................And even when having sorrows
Il ne vous parle que de vous....................he only would talk to you about you
Il conserve de son bel âge......................At his age
Un sourire au fond de ses yeux.............he still retains a warm smile in his eyes
Et je me dis que c'est dommage...........and I say to myself it is a pity
De vous le décrire sans cheveux...........to describe him as bald
C'est mon ami et c'est mon maître........It's my friend, it's my master
J'le vouvoie encore aujourd'hui..............I still respect him as such
Et quand j'ai mal dedans mon être.........and when I do not feel well
Je passe une heure ou deux chez lui.... I tell him, I ask him and
L'air qu'on respire à sa fenêtre..............he refreshes my soul
C'est l'air le plus pur de Paris
C'est lui qui a fortifié mon âme..........It's been he who fortified my soul
Et si je suis encore en vie.....................and if I'm still alive and well as I am
Je n'le dois pas à cette femme............I do not owe it to those I live with but...
Qui me rend heureux aujourd'hui
Mais à mon ami à mon maître.............to my friend, to my master
Et dans la chanson que voici..............And I know that in these words
Je sais qu'il va se reconnaître................he would recognize himself
Mais puisque nous somm's entre amis...but as we are here as friends
Ce soir je peux bien me permettre.........I think I can dare to
De vous le présenter aussi...............................present him to you.
.......................................As he is the author of many words* here. But this is another C.N. than any author with that same name you might find information about on the internet.
To listen to the song, click on the title above to get to the "songs" page and click on the respective song to listen to it.
"solitude enfin"
Solitude enfin.....................................Finally, Aloneness,
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal.....good morning, green spaces of the "Palais Royal"
J'arrive attends-moi,...........................I'm coming, please wait for me,
pourvu que je ne te perds pas............I don't want to lose you
je t'aime, viens,..................................I love you (Aloneness), come to me,
tu es là,..............................................here you are!
Solitude enfin.......................................Finally, Aloneness
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal
j'esquive..............................................I'm avoiding, but,
mais parfois je ne veux que toi...........sometimes I want to see only you.
je t'aime viens, ....................................I love you, come to me,
solitude enfin .....................................Finally, Aloneness.
Solitude enfin......................................Finally, Aloneness
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal
je t'ouvre grands les bras.....................I welcome you with wide-open arms
j'avais tellement besoin de toi...............I needed you so much,
j'étais pas bien.....................................I didn't feel well.
Solitude enfin........................................Finally, Aloneness
j'en pouvais plus....................................I couldn't go on anylonger,
j'avais plus le moral...............................I lost courage
la rage, les orages,...............................inmidst anger, storms.....
c'est bon l'silence.................................how soothing, the silence!
repos huis clos.....................................resting behind closed doors
et plus besoin de rien dire...................no need to speak anymore,
plus besoin de fournir,.........................no need to provide anymore,
c'est ça le vrai plaisir............................this is real pleasure!
Solitude enfin........................................Finally, Aloneness,
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal
je t'aime viens ......................................I love you, come to me,
t'as un visage........................................you have a face:
il est bleu nuit, ......................................it is blue as the night,
ou mauve, ou gris.................................or violet, or grey,
ce n'est pas triste..................................There is nothing sad
les insomnies........................................in sleeplessness,
les p'tits matins.....................................early in the morning
à se retrouver seule................................and alone.
Solitude enfin........................................Finally, Aloneness
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal
Après le déluge:....................................then the flood of:
la foule qui roule..................................rolling crowds:
le défilé des mal-aimés, .......................the train of the disliked,
des compliqués,.................................. the complicated,
des dépriments,....................................the depressing...
Solitude enfin.......................................Finally, Aloneness,
bonjour les jardins du Palais Royal
je me protège .......................................I protect myself,
je me défends,......................................I defend myself,
referme-toi sur moi...............................clasp me - surround me
Solitude enfin:......................................finally, Aloneness:
te voilà..................................................here you are.
(Alexandra Pandev; author: F. Bernheim)
[(right)click (and "new tab") on the title above in order to listen to the song on YouTube]
July 30, 2008
Walking the streets of youth a picture emerges: a picture of perfect sequence of all that which just had to happen as it had. Sequence of feelings and emotions of that period like several little instances filled with those vivid colors as if to illustrate the eternal play, eternal movement of Life as a manifestation of a Will greater than we....................
A play where each little detail had its purpose, all fitting for the beauty and glory of the true Source. This (little town) had been a stage of great play of perfectness however desperate some moments might have been.
People walking around, hurrying, shopping, shouting, looking, talking... they cannot see “it”. While running on it, they cannot see the stage upon which this play had been performed. These streets had been the stage: they aren't anymore. But that does not matter: for the world invisible flashlights seem to illuminate for a little while instances of the past, as if to let relive some moments with their respective purpose or meaning for a short while just for the Glory of the one Source which pervades everything without fault.
The closing scene: the whole picture, so near yet so far; nearness being expressed by perfect understanding of each action, error, emotion, feeling and thought of those past moments and their place in the sequence of the Big Picture. Remoteness being expressed by the impossibility of identification with this evolving personality of the past who is no more. Yet, identification is ever-possible with the Being as a soul-witnesser who had been observing at that time and is observing right now.
A feeling of great awe is the consequence: as each instance of the past, so each present moment has its purpose and meaning, but none of them is so important as to worry about it. Each of them is in the hands of the eternal play of universe, and its Source is greater than we. We act, but we have nothing to “do”; all what is needed is to agree with our existence. We only need to observe, to marvel at the great mystery, seemingly hidden but visible in the outward picture, the manifestations of what is ever-present behind all this: the Real, which supports all these outer events, which creates anew through these outer events.
"What is visible through the spiritual eye is real”, so there remains only stillness and awe... “all what is and acts, it is under Your Will."
In this light, all what happens right now, all wonderings and worryings right now seem to tell "no need to worry, you have not any control over things, you cannot make things happen. All is obeying the Great Will."
"It is not about DOING, but is about BEING.
BE, and in the stillness of being, you will understand.
There may be little to do, very little."
..........thank you.
July 27, 2008
Creating the distance
"The inner eye, as we might call it, sees by a different, non-physical light. This seeing, too, must run the gauntlet of the mind's preconceptions. If we can achieve the right mind set, it too reaches our mind. There it becomes meaning. When you have succeeded, you will experience what you see with a sensation as if you were a little distant from the scene that you observe. Some have described it as like watching a movie. You are seeing the world, but you are not really a part of it. When you achieve this, that is it. That is all of it. There is nothing more to train you to do. But as you go from scene to scene looking with your new vision, there will be a lot about the world that you will discover. It will be a fascinating and never ending joy. The beauty of this mental state is also that it gives you a chance to choose your reactions rather than to have reacted before you even have a chance to think about what you want to do or say. This allows patience to express itself through you. Because love is patient, it allows love to express as never before in your life. ...................
“There are actually split seconds in which the options present themselves. These are very critical moments to watch for, and with one-pointedness of mind, they will become apparent. These moments of decision last approximately 1/10 000 th of a second, as estimated by kinesiologic testing. The miracle arises in this gap. In this instant, the Holy Spirit is present and available directly by God's grace. In the ego's minute gap, the Holy Spirit empowers the opportunity, and this is the “space” in which free will operates. It is this moment that the warrior can choose mercy or cruelty, life or death.
Prayer and spiritual commitment give assent to the Presence as the Holy Spirit to 'create a space', as it would seem, in the progression of the sequences in temporal time for that critical instant of awareness. Based on the laws of the universe, that split instant does not open unless invited. God forces no one to choose Him. All spiritual progress is by invitation and free choice, which are consequences of prayer and spiritual intention, for these gaps are hidden gifts.”
[Dr. David R. Hawkins; "I - subjectivity and reality", p 101-102]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ".............. You will also find that you begin to see many things very clearly, things that used to be quite unclear. Like my art friend, you are developing a kind of vision that sees unerringly. And you paint on the canvas of life according to the accuracy of what you see. Your life itself will become a great work of art, beautiful for others to behold. But you won't be thinking about that. And you won't realize that it is happening until after it is well begun. Furthermore, if you seek to create a beautiful life through this practice, you will lose the objective state of mind that is needed to accomplish the task. Therefore, you must only pursue my directions with a sincere desire to see things as they really are. The biggest obstacle to seeing things as they are lies in your ego tendency to seek glory. Unfortunately, we all want to see ourselves in the best possible light. This will block your seeing. The inner eye, what I call the spiritual eye, cannot accept blinders that limit it's vision. It is all or nothing. You either open the eye and see whatever is there, or you close it. Many close it rather than see what they are really like. I would like to make a plea with you not to do so. There may be a great fear that you have to overcome. It takes a bit of courage to face the truth about yourself. But when you muster that courage, you will find that the truth is much less than you feared. Yes, you are a nothing. But everyone is a nothing. So what! We embrace truth, or we embrace darkness. Truth is literally a light by which we see, by which the inner eye grasps the scope of the scene before it. When we reject the truth about ourselves, we become unable to see. It would be the same with physical light. If we kept all light from falling upon us, yes, we would not see ourselves. But neither would we see anything at all. Our physical eye depends upon the light reaching it for sight. Similarly, if we block the light called truth from reflecting upon us, then neither will it reach our spiritual eye. So you must be willing to see yourself and let yourself be seen. This is the nature of the fear you will face. At one time or another, we have all cheated in order to stand on that pedestal just a little longer. And so we all fear facing reality. But there are two reasons why, when you get courage and face it, that it will be very bearable. One reason is that the cheating was not a fully conscious thing. This is hard to understand until you let truth in, because without this light of truth, you aren't fully conscious. You think you are conscious, but you are not (the wise call it a dream state.) When you summon the courage to look, you will become conscious and by that experience, will see your previous unconsciousness. So it will not be such a big deal. But the biggest reason that you will find your fear unfounded is that in the moment that you summon the courage to truly look at yourself, you will find that you've changed. What you see will not be yourself, it will be who you used to be, even if just a moment before. Now, you are still nothing, but you are no longer less than nothing. And the nothing you are is a good nothing, who does not hurt others any more in order to raise himself up onto that pedestal. Be prepared, then, to see your insignificance. It will be one of the first truths you see.
The Mechanics of Inner Self-observation No one distinguishes in their language, but there are two ways to see. "I see the house across the street." Reflects seeing with the physical eye, revealed by physical light. But, "I see that you're irritated." Is a thing of the spiritual eye. The difference lies in how meaning is attached to the latter revealing that the light of truth always shining has been received by the spiritual eye and perceived as meaning by the mind. Awareness is a crucial ingredient in this process. It is like the retina of the spiritual eye. Experience somehow slams into us, caught by our awareness as it makes its impression inside of us. It activates certain tendencies to respond, like light fires up rods and cones in the physical eye. And if we can remain objective and watch this process, the experience translates into meaning in the mind. All too often, we cannot remain objective. Then we go on automatic pilot. There is little awareness. We react instinctively (and in character, I might add, a character we often resist seeing, for which reason we have shut out truth.) And we see nothing. No meaning congeals except later, we will have a sense of failure for our overreaction. And we will react automatically to that, too, trying to do something about it rather than just seeing it and not reacting further. And so, seeing outwardly with meaning depends on clearly seeing inwardly. And this is the secret. Gaining Attitudinal Altitude Remember the goal. It is similar in nature to the goal of the artist who seeks to see what he is about to paint in that special way that allows him not to be affected by preconceptions. It could be described as achieving a certain "distance" from his subject. It is a frame of mind that isn't very much by itself, but which enables a process that would be impossible or very difficult otherwise. It makes something easy. The state of mind consists of seeing the world with a little distance between you and the scene. You draw yourself out of the scene. You see as if looking through a camera that lies slightly behind and above the physical eyes. You see from here whether you look inwardly at your thinking or whether you look outwardly at the world. But to begin with, you look inwardly so that you can arise out of your dream state and raise your awareness. Your awareness is essential to help you know when you are seeing in this special way. Notice the "distance" between yourself and the scene you see with your eyes. This is the objective way of seeing. Love is a power. But you will not feel it come through you. It just will. And it will affect everyone around you. Some for good, some not. Be prepared for possible fireworks. Your patience and love convicts those who have no love. They will feel condemned. And if they aren't ready to face themselves, they will externalize their feeling, blaming YOU for condemning them. You, of course, have done nothing of the sort. You have just watched the scene in this objective way you now have. But you need to understand this response. Be ready to forgive them and overlook their reaction. They cannot help themselves. They are on automatic pilot. They have never understood how to turn it off. But you give them a chance now. Your love in its perfection, if you overlook and don't judge their error, gives them the first chance that they may have ever had. This is the nature of the effect you will forever have once you commit to this way of patience."
[C.N. 09/01/2002] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
June 30, 2008
Meaning lies deeper and involves a connection with the "intention" or "direction" of a word used in context.
It is almost a connection of the spirit."
[C.N. 03/28/2002]
June 28, 2008
Beauty is the special divine Manifestation in the physical as
Truth is in the mind,
Love in the heart,
Power in the vital.
Beauty is the way in which the physical expresses the Divine -
but the principle and law of Beauty is something inward and spiritual
and expresses itself through the form.
Beauty is Ananda taking form - but the form need not be a physical shape. One speaks of a beautiful thought, a beautiful act, a beautiful soul. What we speak of as beauty is Ananda in manifestation;
beyond manifestation beauty loses itself in ananda,
beauty and Ananda become indistinguishably one.
(Sri Aurobindo, "Integral Yoga")
Seeing beauty is also:
seeing the soul behind, the spirit,
seeing two lines , hues, harmonies and expressive dispositions... thus bringing into the object something that is in oneself, transmuting it by adding out of one's own being to it - as the artist too does something of the same kind but in another way.
(idem, adapted)
June 02, 2008
The two Birds
"Like two birds
of golden plumage,
inseparable companions,
the individual self and the immortal Self
are perched on the branches of the selfsame tree.
The former tastes of the sweet and bitter fruits of the tree;
the latter, tasting of neither,
................calmly observes."
[The Mundaka Upanishad]
"I am Arjuna.
Mounted upon my chariot
in the midst of a great battlefield,
I am bewildered.
Mankind is arrayed for destruction;
all those I cherish, now in opposition.
I’d rather flee in disgrace and dishonor
than to lay my hand against another.
My most intimate friend and
only confidant holds the reins.
Knowing me better than I know myself,
he alone I can trust and believe.
For he is my Self and I am confusion.
All that the mind can conceive, with its symbols, are mere metaphors.
Although the metaphors contain a life which is greater
............................than that of the symbols themselves;
they can never bring to mind the essence of life itself."
"Un jour finir pêcheur" Gérard Manset (1985)
Parce que ça grandit l'homme.......Because that's what elevates man
Heureux comme ça,.......................To be satisfied with this
Pas gagner plus d'argent................no earning a living anymore.
Le matin, me lever,.........................Get up in the morning
Pas connu, pas guetté,....................unknown, unexpected by anyone
Parce que ça fait mal,....................because that's what hurts,
Ça fait mal a l'homme,..................That's what hurts man
La célébrité....................................Being known.
Parce que ça grandit l'homme,.......That's what elevates man:
De vivre sans parler,......................To live without speaking
Vivre sans paroles..........................to live without words
Et d'apprendre à se taire,...............and to learn to keep quiet,
Regarder sans voir.........................Not seeing them while looking
Les enfants qui dansent..................at the dancing children at
Au bord du miroir...........................the edge of the mirror.
Mais c'est toujours trop loin,...........But all this's still too far away
Toujours dans le noir,....................still in the unknown
Pareil au cœur de la cible..............just like a bull's eye of a target.
Un jour, finir pêcheur,..................One day winding up as a fisherman
Mais c'est toujours trop loin,.........But that's still too far away
A portée de la main,......................within reach, but...
Pareil au cœur de la cible..............just like a bull's eye of a target.
Un jour, finir meilleur,...................One day being a better man
Tuer le mal de l'homme,................annihilate the pain of man
Se libérer de tout,..........................getting rid of all
Prendre dans la mer.....................Taking out of the sea
Les coraux, les vipères,..................corals and vipers
Et tout ça dans la main,................and all this with one's hands
Sans lumière et sans gaz...............Without light, without gas
Et sans barbe qu'on rase,..............without shaving a beard...
Un jour, finir pêcheur,....................One day winding up as a fisherman
Avaler le compteur,........................swallowing the counter
Regarder sans voir.........................not seeing it while looking at
Le calendrier.................................................................the calendar
Qui tombe en poussière..................which crumbles into dust.
Qu'elle est loin, la terre...................How far is the earth,
Qu'elle est loin, la terre...................How far is the earth!
Le calendrier..................................The calendar
Qui tombe en poussière..............................crumbles into dust.
Qu'elle est loin, la terre...................How far is the earth,
Qu'elle est loin, la terre...................how far is the earth.
[note: this is a very personal translation-interpretation]
[(right)click ("new tab") on the title above in order to listen to the song on YouTube]
April 15, 2008
on Love
"Un jour être pauvre" - Gérard Manset (1985)
Un jour, être pauvre, .....................One day, being poor,
Détaché de tout.............................attached to nothing,
Sans pleurer de rien,......................no tears for anything
........sort.du ventre. et hurle,............................and crying...
Un jour, être pauvre,.......................One day, being poor,
........................trace de brûlure,...................no sign of burn
........................trace de brûlure,...................no sign of burn,
Un jour, être pauvre.......................One day, being poor
Etre un bateau vide........................being an empty boat
.................apprendre............................................and learning
[(right)click (and: "new tab") on the title above in order to listen to the song on YouTube]
Peace as a natural state
On Reality and Awareness
I once saw a show that featured a hypnotist who walked around and hypnotized people who were then filmed in hypnosis to produce a fascinating TV show. In one episode, he hypnotized a lady in a public park. She was then told that under the concrete walkways in the park there lived a people who were being hurt by the passers by above who walked over them. Then she went into action. As each person or couple came down the walkway, she accosted them trying to get them not to hurt the people who lived below the path. To the walkers on the path, she looked totally loony.
A most important part of my foundational beliefs is that people act in a completely understandable manner if you know what beliefs they have. For the TV viewers watching the hypnotized woman in the park, her actions were completely understandable. We had the advantage of knowing what weird belief had been slipped into her inner being.
Most of the time, we don't have any such advantage. Nonetheless, it is important to FIRMLY KNOW that if we only knew what beliefs lurked there, then everything a person does makes sense. This knowledge changes our perception. Now we can look at the actions of people as a kind of window into their belief system, their souls. It may also give us some patience with otherwise scary behavior.
Another (important) side of this example is how sacred we should hold beliefs. Look at how a fairly simple lie, when slipped past the usual guard of common sense (that defends us against false beliefs entering into us,) can cause us to enter into a kind of dream world where what seem sensible actions to us are viewed by those around us as truly insane. Indeed, when we believe lies, our acts are out of harmony with the universe (reality.)
Yet another (important) side of this example is how the awakening from this "dream state" is to be effected: simple truth suffices. That is, at some point the hypnotist may say, "it isn't true what I said about the people beneath the concrete." (or the woman may simply awaken from the hypnosis in a day or so - hypnosis doesn't last unless reinforced.) So this is a sense in which one knows truth and truth sets one free (old biblical saying.)
Lastly, there it the issue of how one acquires lies to believe in. Hypnosis can do it. But there are many things that have the same effect as hypnosis. Principle among these is hatred. When a person hates, it is like being hypnotized but without a hypnotist. Instead, everything in and around the person has the power of the hypnotist to implant suggestion (lies) deeply into our being - right past common sense which sleeps instantly upon hatred arising. Children are particularly vulnerable; adults can acquire a very small measure of resistance to the process. Love, of course, is the absence of hate (and little more) and we need to seek this state of existence by looking inward. Then we are in a position to assist others.
Somewhere along the way, as children we fall into resentment/hate. This moment of failure (everyone has it because as children we are too vulnerable to resist) programs us with lies from everything around us (we love the color of the room, we find the room comforting, if someone yelled at us, whatever he believes about us we will come to believe, we will believe in yelling, etc.) Then all of these lies that have buried themselves deeply within us start to shape our actions. So long as we hold onto the hatred, the lies will remain firmly entrenched.
Indeed, our life lived from these lies is the reinforcing factor needed to keep the "hypnosis" alive in us. That is, the room, the color, or whatever was in that original scene exerts an influence over us that subtly reminds of that event. This gives the opportunity in the present to reexperience a part of it. Hatred/resentment will flash within us, perhaps a bit below a conscious level, but if it is there, it does it's work to reinforce these lies. The result is that we don't awaken.
But one day, perhaps we will. Every bit as much as these programmed lies has the power to reinforce the lie, they also have the power to release us. Each time we reexperience a part of the scene, we may also hold ourselves back from resentment/hate. If we can succeed in doing this, then the lie simply evaporates within us and has no more power over us - and in this way, we CAN and do change deeply, raising our consciousness.
So those are the secrets of how people can be glazed over and not aware of the reality they live within - how they come to be that way, and how they can return from that existence.
Reality, then, when one comes back to it, is mostly about the Presence of God that exists in the present. God, really, IS Reality and without Him, nothing is. When you rise up from the mesmerized state of existence that most think of as reality, you will feel His presence. Indeed, you will understand that you found Reality only because He called you to it (and this may be a relief since you will understand that it isn't up to you to call others. Still, many search and your casual words may be His instrument - often in ways you don't foresee - to call other seekers.)
Awareness is the natural state of all and all drift toward it. Only a cycle of fear and hatred that one will not let go of will block its manifestation within us. Awareness is as easy as having hands. We didn't have to think about how to grow them - they are just there. But many are not aware. For them, there is some block. If we know the roots of such problems generally, and if we are patiently humble and have taken the splinter from our own eyes, then we will know what to do to help. It will come to us because of our own awareness and common sense.
But there are no guarantees, understand. Every living being has a choice and may choose not to relinquish hatred in preference for love. These you can't force. To force is to abandon love yourself.
C.N. November, 3, 2003
(On Meditation) -- The Discovery of the Self
The question was, "Where am I, the true me? Am I my body?" It was not a question in words.
What came of this was a wonderful and terrible time of great awareness. But mostly it was wonderful. I became very aware. In so doing, I "felt" where the real me was--not my body, not my mind, not my thinking. I was a speck located near what eastern religious types call the third eye. And this speck had little but the capacity for questions, watchful awareness, understanding (belief) and awe.
As I experienced the beingness of this speck of nothingness, I became an observer of my thinking, which went on without any active participation on my part--just watching with occasional questions. The thinking had mostly to do with memories of experiences. The questions were generally of the sort, "Why am I remembering THAT?" The answers came instantly, again not from me. They were such complete answers that there was no question about their truth.
This experience of awareness lasted for about a half hour.
I learned how I had once been a very aware child. I learned about the personal trauma that set me on my wrong path. I learned about judgment's wrongness and how hate crept into me as a consequence of judgment, displacing the simple love that children naturally know, which love we must return to as adults or perish because of our hate.
I learned that this is a divine law,"You become what you hate." I learned that when we are ready to abandon judgment, we can come back to being ourselves...
I learned that this return to self is done layer-by-layer, like peeling an onion. There may be many layers. It is not a thing that can be accomplished by hard work, either. Hard work only COMPENSATES for failure to allow the real work to be done by God's leading, giving only an illusion, a shadow...
The experience ended somewhat slowly as I saw how, with awareness, one can truly know what to do every day of one's life. How decisions become unnecessary, because with sufficient awareness, there really is nothing to decide. And here I made a mistake that cost me my continued awareness at this wonderful level: I thought that the wonderful awareness was by itself all that I needed--I thought that in some sense I had "arrived."
No, awareness by itself is not sufficient.
One must come to love the Source of this awareness, Itself.
Without such love, one is always susceptible to accepting lies, however subtle, and these lies cut one off from Truth, shutting down awareness.
So freedom is merely the capacity to will one's actions to be aligned with the Divine plan because of one's love for the Creator and His wisdom. We are free to express love for our Creator by doing His will, or not. That is the only choice.
C.N., October, 27, 2002
dialog continued
entering God's Temple
standing outside,
before the closed door of God's temple, -
how do you want to enter?
Discussions never end,
so stop them where they stand,
- you will be left unsatisfied, overcome this and,
- be still, open the door, and enter in God's temple.
You may have to sit for a while.
Do not chat,
do not ask,
do not look,
sit still.
In the silence, you will hear.
-"...and in the stillness of Being, you will understand."-"
February 09, 2008
"That I want thee, only thee..."
As the night keeps hidden in its gloom the petition for light,
As the storm still seeks its end in peace
the world - a mirror
"Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins