Walking the streets of youth a picture emerges: a picture of perfect sequence of all that which just had to happen as it had. Sequence of feelings and emotions of that period like several little instances filled with those vivid colors as if to illustrate the eternal play, eternal movement of Life as a manifestation of a Will greater than we....................
A play where each little detail had its purpose, all fitting for the beauty and glory of the true Source. This (little town) had been a stage of great play of perfectness however desperate some moments might have been.
People walking around, hurrying, shopping, shouting, looking, talking... they cannot see “it”. While running on it, they cannot see the stage upon which this play had been performed. These streets had been the stage: they aren't anymore. But that does not matter: for the world invisible flashlights seem to illuminate for a little while instances of the past, as if to let relive some moments with their respective purpose or meaning for a short while just for the Glory of the one Source which pervades everything without fault.
The closing scene: the whole picture, so near yet so far; nearness being expressed by perfect understanding of each action, error, emotion, feeling and thought of those past moments and their place in the sequence of the Big Picture. Remoteness being expressed by the impossibility of identification with this evolving personality of the past who is no more. Yet, identification is ever-possible with the Being as a soul-witnesser who had been observing at that time and is observing right now.
A feeling of great awe is the consequence: as each instance of the past, so each present moment has its purpose and meaning, but none of them is so important as to worry about it. Each of them is in the hands of the eternal play of universe, and its Source is greater than we. We act, but we have nothing to “do”; all what is needed is to agree with our existence. We only need to observe, to marvel at the great mystery, seemingly hidden but visible in the outward picture, the manifestations of what is ever-present behind all this: the Real, which supports all these outer events, which creates anew through these outer events.
"What is visible through the spiritual eye is real”, so there remains only stillness and awe... “all what is and acts, it is under Your Will."
In this light, all what happens right now, all wonderings and worryings right now seem to tell "no need to worry, you have not any control over things, you cannot make things happen. All is obeying the Great Will."
"It is not about DOING, but is about BEING.
BE, and in the stillness of being, you will understand.
There may be little to do, very little."
..........thank you.
July 27, 2008